WORD THINKING (Raise Your Thinking With God’s Word) Don’t live your life struggling against Satan and sin; keep your gaze on God’s Word. It will make...
DON’T RUN FROM THE FIGHT! (The Challenges You Face Are Only Temporary) When God asks you to do something or go in a certain direction, it...
STAY AFLAME (Remain Filled With The Holy Spirit) When you stay full of God’s Spirit, you enjoy all the spiritual blessings that God has to offer...
GOD’S PICTURE OF YOU (There’s a Perfect Picture Of You In God’s Word) Did you ever look at a fashion magazine and wish you were the...
ENJOY YOUR DIVINE HERITAGE (The Dew Of Heaven Is Upon You) TO THE BIBLE: Isaiah 58:14 “…You shall delight yourself in the Lord; and I will...
TRUE CHRISTIAN LIVING (Without The Holy Spirit, Life Becomes A Struggle) TO THE BIBLE: John 14:16-17 AMP “…I will ask the Father, and He will give...