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The Word of God gives you everything you need: health, joy, wealth, prosperity, grace, wisdom..

The Word of God gives you everything you need health, joy, wealth, prosperity, grace, wisdom..

The Word of God gives you everything you need: health, joy, wealth, prosperity, grace, wisdom..


For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. ( Hebrews 4:12)

The Word of God gives you everything you need: health, joy, wealth, prosperity, grace, wisdom and all that the vicarious death of Christ and His triumphant resurrection delivered to us as Christians. That’s what salvation encapsulates. With the knowledge of God’s Word in your spirit, you have what it takes to create anything you want.

At the well of Samaria, Jesus encountered a woman and asked her for a drink of water. But noticing that He was a Jew, the woman told Him they had nothing in common, and for ethnic reasons declined. Then, Jesus replied, “…Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:13- 14). The Master knew He could give her something to quench her thirst for ever—the Word. With the Word, she would be able to create anything she desired.

Often times, when people are facing difficult situations, what they need is a Word-therapy or what I may call a “Word-diet.” They’d have to listen to God’s Word and study the Scriptures over a period of time, until the Word gets rid of the wrong mind-set, and reprograms them aright for success. If that doesn’t happen, no matter what else you do for them, their situation wouldn’t change.

Sometimes, when people are sick in their bodies, the real problem is beyond the symptoms that are apparent in their physical bodies. Such pains might stem from their mind. There’s a difference between the sickness of the mind, and that of the body. So even when they’re healed in their bodies, the sickness continues, because it was really a problem of the mind. The solution is to reprogram their minds through the Word for total restoration.

Further Study:
Acts 20:32;
Romans 12:2

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Yeshua Hamashiach By Nathaniel Bassey Lyrics And MP3 Download

Yeshua Hamashiach By Nathaniel Bassey Lyrics And MP3 Download

[Nathaniel Bassey]
Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the anointed one)
Lion of Judah

Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the anointed one)
Lion of Judah

Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the anointed one)
Lion of Judah

Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the anointed one)
Lion of Judah

Give him a shout of praise

{Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the anointed one)
Lion of Judah
Agunechemba }x7


{Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the anointed one)
Lion of Judah
Agunechemba }x12

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Nathaniel Bassey Lyrics
“Jehovah Nissi”

You are the first and the last
That’s why we call You Alpha, Omega
You own the world, You fill the universe
You made the things we see and cannot see

Your love is great, Your mercy sure
Your grace has done more than I could have done
When I was bound, You came and rescued me
You gave me light and took the darkness

You are the first and the last
That’s why we call You Alpha, Omega
You own the world, You fill the universe
You made the things we see and cannot see

Your love is great, Your mercy sure
Your grace has done more than I could have done
When I was bound, You came and rescued me
You gave me light and took my darkness

You surround me with many victories
Jehovah Nissi, You’re my banner
You go before me, You fight my battles
Jehovah Nissi
Jehovah Nissi

You surround me with many victories
Jehovah Nissi, You’re my banner
You go before me, You fight my battles
Jehovah Nissi
Jehovah Nissi

You are the same yesterday
The same today and same forever
You never change, You are reliable
My hiding place in times of trouble
You are the Christ, the Son of God
You bruised the serpent’s head at calvary
You took the keys, opened the prison doors
Crushing the power of death forever

You surround me with many victories
Jehovah Nissi, You’re my banner
You go before me, You fight my battles
Jehovah Nissi
Jehovah Nissi

You surround me with many victories
Jehovah Nissi, You’re my banner
You go before me, You fight my battles
Jehovah Nissi
Jehovah Nissi

God is gone up with a shout
With a trumpet sound

God is gone up with a shout
With a trumpet sound

God is gone up with a shout
With a trumpet sound

God is gone up with a shout
With a trumpet sound

You surround me with many victories
Jehovah Nissi, You’re my banner
You go before me, You fight my battles
Jehovah Nissi

You surround me with many victories
Jehovah Nissi, You’re my banner
You go before me, You fight my battles
Jehovah Nissi

You surround me with many victories
Jehovah Nissi, You’re my banner
You go before me, You fight my battles
Jehovah Nissi

Jehovah Nissi
Jehovah Nissi
Jehovah Nissi

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Holy Spirit By Olumide Iyun ft. Nathaniel Bassey MP3 Download

Holy Spirit By Olumide Iyun ft. Nathaniel Bassey MP3 Download

Holy Spirit By Olumide Iyun ft. Nathaniel Bassey MP3 Download


Holy Spirit You are my comforter
Holy Spirit You are my counselor
Holy Spirit You are my life giver
You show me where to go
You show me what to do
You show me what to say
You fill my mind with light

Holy Spirit You are my comforter
Holy Spirit You are my counselor
Holy Spirit You are my life giver
You show me where to go
You show me what to do
You show me what to say
You fill my mind with light
You show me where to go
You show me what to do
You show me what to say
You fill my mind with light

I know You are my helper
I know You are my teacher
I know You are my advocate
I know You are my reveal-er
I know You are my intercessor
I know You are my strengthener

Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit we wait o You
there’s no better thing to do
Holy Spirit reveal Your hand today


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